Dr. Manika Patel
General Dentist
Dr. Manika Patel was born in Zambia, Africa where she completed her high school degree. At the age of 17, she moved to the United States with her family.
Despite cultural, financial, and social obstacles she had to overcome, she pursued her Dental Hygiene degree from the University of Southern California and then decided she wanted to explore the dental field further. She completed her DDS degree from the University of Southern California in 2008. She has work experience widespread in the United States and is licensed in Louisiana, Texas, and Arizona.
Her passion for dentistry stems from a need to want to help others have a happy and healthy lifestyle through a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile.
She has the confidence and zeal to deliver high standards of quality dental treatment to all of her patients. Some of her personal interests outside of Dentistry include running, hiking, the outdoors, and reading a good book.